Potential Future Relaxation of COVID-19 Restriction on Bowls Club

According to a blog post posted on the official Bowls Australia Site, there is a consideration being given to the relaxation of current restrictions for sport in Australia. The relaxation is considered in response to the reducing number of new cases of COVID-19 in Australia.

For Bowls specifically, the STAs and Bowls Australia (BA) have agreed to prepare guidelines in regards to a staged relaxation of restrictions for the playing of Bowls and these will be prepared strictly in adherence with any advice from the Federal Government, both from the AIS and the applicable Health agencies.

Meanwhile, the Bowls Australia (BA) and State and Territory Bowling Association (STAs) will remain closed and do not recommend or endorse any bowls activity. However, we are however hopeful that Bowls may be able to recommence under specific guidelines in the not distant future.