
Sponsors of our club

Sponsorships help keep a sporting club alive and our club is extremely grateful for all our very valuable sponsors.

Some of our sponsors are ongoing, others sponsor a team, sponsor an event and provide donations. What ever they do and what ever the amount, we value each and every one of them. Click on the link to visit our sponsors. If you would like to sponsor our club and see your name on this page, visit our sponsorship page.

Our gratitude and thanks go to:

Alderman John Peers – Clarence City Council
Banjo’s Bakery, Lindisfarne
Cascade Hotel
Leumas Accounting Services, Howrah
Lindisfarne Service Centre, East Derwent Highway
Nest Property – Emily Devine
Phillip Stephens Funerals
Phillip Virth – Painting and Decorating
Snowy Morgan Family
Steve’s Liquor, Lindisfarne
Waterfront Hotel

We also want to thank our valued supporters

Julie Collins